If anybody has a testimonial they would like to share about the cancer home remedy, whether pro or con you can email me the testimonial at timpfay@gmail.com and I will post it on this website.
Testimonial 11/17/19
“My name is Kelly Taylor. I’m a 70 year old man. I was told by my Doctor early Sept. that I have cancer. He scheduled a surgery for me 11 days later.
Now I will explain why I’m writing this. I lost my Mother to cancer in 2014. I took care of her the last 6 years of her life. I listened to the Doctors at Loma Linda tell us that she had an 85% chance of beating the cancer. They (Loma Linda) killed her with chemo & radiation, and 3 very invasive surgeries.
I shared this with a dear friend of mine. He shared with me the other options he had researched. I took his advice, and I am now cancer free. My cancer was of the pancreas and liver, also skin cancer, and with no surgery, chemo, or radiation. The process is very simple, as a matter of fact, hard to believe.
I purged my body for 4 days with clove oil, black walnut hull & wormwood oil in good water for 3 times a day. You will see by what your body eliminates, that this is cleaning out your body like nothing else.
2. I started a daily regiment of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water 3 times a day for 3 weeks. This will oxygenize your internal organs and blood cancer can’t live in this environment.
3. Vitamin B-17 and aspirin twice a day and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in distilled water 3 times a day for 1 month.
I realize that this sounds unbelievable but here I am sharing this to all who will listen. I AM CANCER FREE!. This process will not cost more than a hundred dollars. You have nothing to lose. Try it. YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF for having the courage to go this route.