Diabetes and being overweight.
I have watched many heartbreaking stories on youtube about children with deadly diseases that eventually take the life of these little children and the parents more times than not ask how come God took the life of my little child. I have been looking into this question and what I have found is very upsetting.
So far I have found that God has given man cures to many diseases the problem is that man is so greedy that man would rather keep the cure secret and make a lot of money and watch while your loved ones die. God says that man has a sinful nature and is naturally evil. I can’t think of anything more evil than this.
I keep hearing about all the advances in modern medicine today and about how we are much better off today than we were 50 years ago. I would agree with this statement as far as the advances in traumatic medicine is concerned but what happened to the rest of the industry?
The last disease that was cured to my knowledge was polio way back in in 1953. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but that was 65 years ago! What has the medical profession been doing for the last 65 years? It looks to me that today’s medical profession is more concerned with selling high priced drugs than curing anybody of anything.
Back in 2001 my wife was diagnosed with a fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and depression. For the last sixteen years the medical doctors have put my wife on about twelve different medications. The cost of these medications to the insurance company came to over $3,000 a month or $36,000 a year.
She would shoot up two different types of insulin a day plus take three different pills for her type two diabetes. She would take one pill a day for her hypothyroidism, three pills for her depression and another three pills for her high blood pressure.
It seemed like whenever we would go to the doctor we could add another pill to our family of drugs. After sixteen years of this I decided I would look into this myself because after all this time and money my wife wasn’t feeling any better than when we first went to the doctor sixteen years ago.
The next time my wife went to the doctor I went with her. I started from the beginning of my wife’s troubles and asked the doctor what had been done to get rid of her fatty liver. Her doctor told me that there’s nothing they could do for a fatty liver there was no magic pill. Since all her medical problems began with a fatty liver I figured this was a good place to start my investigation.
I have heard many people make fun of the internet but as long as you “consider the source” there are some very smart people teaching medicine for free. I listened to an hour and a half lecture by Robert H. Lustig MD, UCSF Professor in the division of endocrinology. The program I listened to was called “Sugar the Bitter Truth.” Towards the end of his lecture he mentioned that apple cider vinegar dissolves the fat from the liver.
We used one tablespoon of Braggs Organic apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of purified water once in the morning and once in the evening. I knew it would take some time to dissolve the fat from her liver because she has had this condition for over sixteen years. After about three months she started losing weight and felt more energetic.
My wife used the apple cider vinegar for a little over a year and went from 153 pounds to 118 pounds. We then went to her doctor and scheduled more blood tests. After talking with her doctor I asked him how her liver test scored and her doctor told us that she no longer had a fatty liver and her blood tests came back in the normal range.
With my wife’s liver now back to normal we started looking into ways to stop my wife’s type 2 diabetes. I was watching on youtube a doctor named Dr. Jason Fung. Dr Fung graduated from the University of Toronto and he is currently practicing medicine at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.
Dr. Fung has several programs on youtube and I listened to as many as I could find. Dr Fung was saying that the current medical establishment is treating type 2 diabetes all wrong. He said that giving a diabetic insulin would be the same as giving an alcoholic alcohol to cure his alcoholism. He also said that the insulin prevents your body from burning fat so the more insulin you take the fatter you get. Dr Fung also says that diabetes is a dietetic problem that can be corrected with the proper diet.
On July 7 2018 my wife went on Dr Fung’s low carb, high fat diet. immediately she stopped injecting the two types of insulin she used daily and after about five weeks she stopped taking her diabetic pills. (Invokana, Januvia and Lisinopril).
When she first went on the low carb, high fat diet we would test her blood sugar levels three times a day. The rule of thumb we used was if her blood sugar tested around 150 we were satisfied with that. We noticed on this diet that her sugar levels gradually started coming down. When her sugar levels hit in the 130’s she would eliminate one of her pills. When her level consistently hit the 120’s she would then eliminate another pill.
It took a little over three months for my wife to be completely off all of her diabetic medicine. Dr Fung says that the longer you have had diabetes the longer it will take to be completely off the diabetes medicine. My wife was a diabetic for over sixteen years.
Because of the weight loss she no longer needs her three medications for high blood pressure. Her blood pressure is consistently around 110 over 70. Because she no longer takes insulin she no longer needs her medication for hypothyroidism. In conclusion, If you know anybody with type two diabetes have them go to youtube and type in “Dr. Jason Fung” and follow his advice.
Also if you know anybody that’s over weight and can’t get the weight off let them know it’s probably due to a fatty liver. The food industry would have you believe that this is due to too much fat in your diet. Not true! The truth is, being over weight is due to sugar in your diet. Your body will either burn sugar or fat for energy. If you stop eating sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, you will force your body to burn fat. If you stop eating foods that contain sugar after about two weeks you will start to see the weight fall off without any exercise.
Dr Fung says that your metabolism can either burn sugar as energy or it can burn fat for energy. That is why the high fat, low carb diet works. When you cut out the sugar from your diet your body will then start to burn the fat as fuel.
Dr Lustig of “sugar the bitter truth” explains it this way. When you eat food that contains sugar your liver stops processing the food and devotes all its resources to processing the sugar. Your liver then stops processing the food and turns the food into fat.
Sugar has also been proven to cause cancer. In 1968 there was a study done where the researchers put mice on a sucrose diet. Over half the mice developed cancer. That study then was quickly silenced. you can find this study by typing in the google bar “does sugar cause cancer”.
I hope whoever needs this advice uses it and doesn’t give up because what I wrote works and is the truth.
The next medical problem we are working on is my wife’s depression, She is currently taking three medications for this. I’ll let you know how it works out.